Hsiao Lab @ UCLA 2022
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Lab Members
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Elaine Y. Hsiao
Principal Investigator
Download CV
Helen Vuong
Postdoctoral Scholar
Christine Olson
PhD Student
Geoff Pronovost
PhD Student
Kelly Jameson
PhD Student
Ping Fang
Postdoctoral Scholar
Angela Chen
Undergraduate Researcher
Elena Coley
PhD student
Donya Mazdeyasnan
Undergraduate Researcher
Greg Lum
PhD student
Jorge Paramo
gnotobiotics manager
Kristie Yu
MD/PhD student
Sabeen Kazmi
PhD student
Jonathan Lynch
Assistant Project Scientist
Erika Gonzalez
Undergraduate Researcher
Anna Chakhoyan
Undergraduate Researcher
Kayli Choy
Undergraduate Researcher
Anisha Chandra
Undergraduate Researcher
Lewis Yu
PhD student
Ezgi Özcan
Postdoctoral Scholar
Gulistan Agirman
Postdoctoral Scholar
Yvonne Fu
Undergraduate Researcher
Mariana Arino
Undergraduate Researcher
Lab alumni:
Julianne McGinn, gnotobiotics manager 2015-2017, now writer at Marvel Comics
David Nusbaum, staff research associate 2016, MD student at USC, now resident at University of Chicago
Cristopher Garduno, undergraduate researcher 2016-2017, now PhD student UCSB
Jessica Yano, staff research associate 2013-2016, now PhD student UCLA
Kristie Yu, undergraduate researcher 2014-2015, now MD/PhD student UCLA
Gauri Shastri, undergraduate researcher 2014-2015, now MD student UCSD
Dawn Liang, undergraduate researcher 2016-2018, now MD student UCI
Emily Siegler, undergraduate researcher 2016-2018, now MD student California Northstate University
Thomas Fung, postdoctoral fellow 2016-2019, now scientist at Federation Bio
Austin Qiu, undergraduate researcher 2016-2019
Maria Kazantsev, master's student 2016-2019
Tomiko Rendon, gnotobiotics manager 2017-2019
Aaron Llanes, master's student, 2018-2019
Alonso Iniguez, master's student, 2017-2019, now at Pivot Bio
Yongning Deng, visiting scholar, 2019, now clinician in neurodegenerative desease
Sahil Telang, undergraduate researcher 2017-2021
Angela Chen, undergraduate researcher 2018-2021
Grace Yang, undergraduate researcher 2019-2021
Emma Leshan, undergraduate researcher 2019-2021, now at Circulomics/PacBio
Ryan Hoang, undergraduate researcher 2020-2021
Team Photos